In honor of the 100th year of Lionism in the United States, the Culpeper Mid-Day Lions commissioned a sculpture of a pair of eyeglasses to be placed in the local Culpeper community. After multi-year process, the Mid-Day Lions are proud to have that art piece on display at Rockwater Park on Madison Road in the town of Culpeper. The piece will be a symbol of the hard work and dedication that Lions everywhere place into providing sight to the blind across the world. The local Mid-Day club are proud to be apart of that tradition and wanted to celebrate the anniversary of this work with this enduring piece of art. Local artist Rocque Castro was primarily responsible for the piece design and supervised the process through completion. The piece will be dedicated at a ceremony on April 14th at the park. The public is invited and we hope that celebration is a grand time for all. Our hope is that the piece serves as a reminder to all of the mission of Lions worldwide: “We Serve.”